Saturday could only be called one word: "Perfect".
The morning began by getting picked up by D&W to head out to a Chocolate Festival. That's right - a chocolate festival. $15 and you get 10 samples of super-special super-delicious super-decadent chocolate. Count me in! It was a bit of a drive to the festival, but that was okay, because I always like catching up with D&W - the one couple that actually still likes hanging out with us. Only thing that could have made the day better was if the hubby had had the day off from work, but work with what you got.
By the time we got to the festival, the next "wave" was sold out, so we bought tickets for an hour later, then set off to enjoy downtown Grapevine shopping. And let me tell you, downtown Grapevine is incredibly quaint, especially considering its proximity to the greater DFW metroplex. And that was when we got to enjoy the absolute bestest part about Saturday - the absolutely gorgeously breathtaking..75 degree weather!! It was sunny, a little breezy..and 75 degrees of beautiful. Couldn't ask for better weather, and it just made everything better. I love spring. Love love love it.
So in our escapade around downtown Grapevine, we stopped at a few stores..but one in particular had us entranced. It was the Grapevine Olive Oil company. They make all these different flavors of oils and vinegars. And they had bread available so you could try them all!! I fell in love with a "Cinnamon Pear Balsamic Vinegar" and D fell in love with a "Dark Chocolate Balsamic Vinegar" - appropriate for the festival we were about to enjoy. So we just had to buy them. And then we find out we can get them refilled at a lower rate in the future - nice!! We'll just have to get back there when we run out..which I'm sure will be soon.

So after the chocolate.. we headed over to California Pizza Kitchen - my favorite pizza place - because, well, we were in town, and its otherwise hard to make it there cuz there is only 2 in the entirety of the metroplex!! You may ask - how the hell could we eat after all that chocolate?? Well, see, we were smart, and planned this lunch, so that we would know not to eat all our chocolate. No no, we took a tupperware full of chocolate home with us. For later enjoyment - and so that the hubby could have some too. And the pizza was a very nice break to the day.
We then headed to a miniatures store/warehouse that is semi-nearby to that part of the metroplex..because, well, we were on that side of the metroplex, and we normally aren't. ((And for those not used to the DFW metroplex..let me just say that it is enormous. It'll take you 1-3 hours to cross the whole thing, dependent upon time of day. We try not to cross the whole thing very often.)) Anyway, I picked up this mini. I picked up another one, with a bad-ass elemental cloak looking thing... but I can't find a picture of her. Not sure why. D's going to paint them for me - in exchange for some fingerless gloves. Need to start looking for a pattern for those for her.
Following the miniature buying spree (on D&W's part, more than mine), we headed back to their place to wait for my hubby to get off work so we could play games. We played a new game they bought.. Mansions of Madness. The game seemed near impossible to beat. I hate games like that.. I get that Cthulu games are supposed to be all about the horror.. but I still like to beat games. So not sure how I feel about that one yet. I didn't enjoy my time playing it that night. But it may just have been first-try vibes. I ended up grabbing my sock that I'm knitting to help keep my anger in check. Yay for knitting calmingness.
But, all in all, the entire day, was just perfect. Hang out with my best friends.. enjoying gorgeous weather..eating chocolate... playing games.. Perfect.