I don't know why..but for whatever reason, for the past week I've pretty much had absolutely nothing to do at work. Sure, I'll find some miniscule project that will occupy about half an hour of my time..then go a couple more hours with nothing..then get another small 15-minute project.. and that is the cycle of my days for the past week or more. Yesterday, I don't think I did a single piece of work all day. It makes the days *extremely* boring, and downright painful. The only reason I go to work it seems is to sit at my desk..and answer the 10 or so phone calls we get during the day, only to transfer them to their respective recipient. Really - my entire purpose there is superfluous. To be honest, its gotten me a bit depressed this week. Hell, last night I decided that if they fired me, and replaced me with 4 additional licenses of the time-keeper program, they *really* wouldn't need me, and they'd be saving money to boot. *Sigh* Guess its time to look for a new job - one that needs me - since it seems this place just doesn't have the business to use me anymore. I'm not saying they are firing me, that's just my depressive state talking, but they could.. if things don't get better.
What I really wish I could do was knit while at work. If I'm just sitting at my desk doing nothing but answering the phone once an hour.. that's eight-plus hours I could be knitting!!! But yeah, somehow I think that is just a bad idea, no matter how great it sounds in my head.
I haven't done much knitting this week. I haven't even caught back up to the spot on my shawl that I frogged from sometime last week. I think I frogged something like 10 rows.. and its taken me more than a week to catch up to 1-2 rows from there. Yeesh. Part of that is I did focus on my Primrose sweater for a couple nights. While at the vampire game on Saturday, I knit on the sweater mindlessly for several hours. I knew I was getting close to the spot where the armholes start as the night started drawing to a close, and so I thought to actually check the chart to see where I was. Thank god I did!! I was on row 85, and I needed to break for the arms at 87!! Talk about cutting it close! So the next night, I decided I wanted to get those armholes started, so I could get back to the basic pattern without having to think about it before I set the project down again for mindless-knitting. That was only about 20 rows or so, so it went easy enough. I'm currently only knitting the back-side of the sweater, and will pick up the front to finish that after a while. Then to the sleeves...and then finishings... and its done!!
I also tried on the Primrose once I'd gotten the armholes put into place - because now I could tell exactly how long it was and how it fit on my torso. Turns out, it stretches around my torso just fine, looking exactly like I thought it would look. This picture's blurry..but it shows it, I guess. Anyway, that's promising. It is a little shorter than I had hoped for, but that just makes me *that* much more thankful that I added four inches!!
Primrose is looking really good!