I'm about 25 rows (i think) from starting on the sleeve holes and upper torso (front and back) sections. Once I get to that part, I think the back will be the only part that has any lace, and the front will go super fast. And then I still have the sleeves to do as well, obviously. Once I get this Ethereal done, I can actually *really* focus on this piece..and hopefully get it done before its too much into March.
My Ethereal is coming along nicely. I'm on row 58 out of 78 of the second chart. So only 20 more rows!! Woo! The rows are obviously getting longer and longer and longer..but I can see the finish line - and its not too far off. I don't have a good picture at this stage, because its too wide now to stretch out on my current needles, and doing a small section just doesn't do it justice. Just trust me in that it looks good :)
I do have one little hiccup in the shawl..about 8-10 rows back.. where I forgot to put in a yarn over. (I do have a picture of that, at least.) So this stitch that is supposed to go straight up the shawl..jogs over and connects with its neighbor stitch, instead of having a big hole between them. I "caught" the mistake, when I realized I didn't have enough stitches to complete the pattern.. but rather than dropping it to fix it..i just added another stitch somehow (don't think I could explain how), and kept right on going. *sigh* Now..instead of being 4-6 rows..its 8-10 rows I have to fix back to. But I've asked my KAL friends for advice on how to fix it, and they've given me suggestions on how to fix the lace pattern by *just* dropping the stitches around the mistake down to the boo-boo, and picking them back up correctly. I'll be giving it a shot tonight - I really hope it works.
In other news - I ordered the yarn for a bag that the hubby has been begging me to make him. It should arrive this Saturday, I hope. I'm making him a felted bag to hold his ipad. I've never worked with a felted project - and considering that this project will need to be of a generally specific size, I'm going to have to do some test knitting and math before I can actually start up on that project. Hopefully I can finish up the Ethereal fairly soon so I can get started on that. Oh - and I should make some more headway on my sweater first too. Haha. But then I'm also antsy to get going on my first pair of socks too!! So much to do..so not enough time in my day!
Both of your projects are looking really good. I really like the lace work in the sweater, and I can't wait to see your shawl when it's finished. You are giving me good incentive to keep going on my shawl.