Friday, August 24, 2012

Primrose Path

I have a sleeve!  Just one, but one is better than none!  

I had started this project in January 2011.  I worked on it sort of steadily for about two months.  Got through the torso, and knit one sleeve.  Got to the point where I was supposed to attach that sleeve to the armhole..and slid to a skidding halt.  The sleevecap did not seem to match up to the armhole at all.  I could not figure out how in the world the two were going to match up.. and obviously I did something wrong.   I don't remember the reason, exactly, but something kept me from sitting down and focusing on it at that time.. and I put it off.  And then i think the bubble of "holy crap I screwed up and I don't know how to fix it" just kept getting bigger and I never went back.  And then it sat..and sat.. and sat.  Granted, I did take some several months off from knitting in general once summer hit.  Which kept it sitting for even longer.

Recently, while bored at work (new job that swore I wouldn't be bored.. and i'm bored..), I started perusing knitting blogs again and decided to pick up my knitting again with some serious attention.  And yesterday, I decided "I'm going to finish that sweater!"  I looked up a couple tips on armholes, watched a video or two.  And then I pulled it out and just looked at it.  Putting on the two pieces.. yeah, still had no idea how the hell they were going to match up.   But I decided, what the hell, lets just try to sew these together and see what happens.  Really really wish I'd tried that 18 months ago.  I had to do a little easing of the armhole to the sleeve, but seeing as it is a ribbed pattern that wasn't actually difficult at all.  And now - the sleeve is attached!!  Teach me to let a little thing stop me from working on a project.. I should learn to just trust the pattern and keep going.

I started work on the second sleeve last night as well, and hopefully in a few days I'll be able to attach that one as well.. and then.. the sweater will be done!!  Cuz, I mean, holy crap, how cool is that.. to be able to wear a full sweater that I knit myself!  I still really really like this one too.  Its just such a pretty color and pretty pattern.  I gotta re-research how to take care of it.  Its cotton, so i don't think it needs blocking, but I'll probably still want to take care of it gingerly as it is a hand-knitted piece.  Can't wait to wear it though.  Its inaugural wear will be as a late summer piece, rather than the early spring it was intended for.. but somehow I think that'll be okay.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Project Inspiration

Bored at work today led me to looking over long-neglected knitting blogs I follow.  Also found a few more to add to my long list of subscribed blogs.  And oh my, so much inspiration!!  This is why it is dangerous to browse knitting blogs... I'm currently plugging away at a huge afghan with no clue as to how long it is going to take me to finish (80 rows done so far and its maybe a little over a foot long?).  The reason I set it aside in the first place was a want to do other projects that were more likely to have a finish date and thus satisfaction.  And now i've done about the same amount of work as I had the first time around.. and now i'm itching to do other projects again.  Maybe it's just the curse of this afghan.. haha.  Honestly, I need to spend some time finishing up my green sweater too - its about time I get over my fear of armhole seaming.  And i've also got those two lace scarves sitting in my knitting bag, only partially done..

But... THIS!!!

You can't tell me that isn't amazing.  And somehow, I think i could do that.  I've done one lace shawl that came out really well.  And I've been wanting a pretty parasol that can go with several costumes.  I'd never thought - Hey, I can KNIT one!!  That's just too cool.  I'm going to *have* to try this.. eventually.

Edit:  This pattern is called Omelet.

I also recently bought an online class from that could help me with fitting my sweaters.  Not that I've made more than one sweater yet, and even that one is still in the works.  But the class includes a bit about armholes, so I'm hoping it might give me some pointers to finishing up my current sweater.  And I do *love* a lot of sweater patterns..I just get scared about the enormity of those projects.  And they always require soooo much yarn.  But i've got some stashed away for big projects.. I need to just set to those and make myself a couple more sweaters.  Practice will just help me get better.  At fitting as well as all the other techniques.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


When I first started knitting, after doing the requisite straight scarf and attempts at small glove and hat projects, I tackled an afghan project called Lover's Knot Afghan.  It was all cables.  It was really a beautiful pattern, and it was a great way to practice this knew found skill of mine (and cables) so.. i picked up some gray cotton yarn and set to.  (Turns out, gray yarn is perhaps not the best choice for this pattern, but oh well...its a soft yarn and I'll like it anyway.)  I got about 1 full repeat in (which is about 24 rows), maybe a little more, and then said "wow..this takes forever.. i wanna do more fulfilling projects I can actually finish!" and immediately dropped it onto some scrap yarn and buried it in my yarn drawer.

Two years later...

After slowing down on my knitting a lot, no longer racing through projects like there's no tomorrow, I'm looking at my pile of unfinished pieces and deciding what to work on.  I finished up the noro scarf - very pretty.  Frogged the sluagh Ipad bag - my first attempt at self designed fair island (also my first fair island bit.. probably should have done someone else's design first, huh?) did not go so well.  Looked at the two lace scarves I had started - one red one pink - and decided I wasn't in the mood for lace yet.  What else did I have out there?  Well, there was the lime green sweater I never finished... but the only stuff i have left on that is the difficult sleeve set ins, and I'm not ready to tackle that.  What about that afghan I put off way back when??  Dig around in my drawers and pull out this beautifully soft supple afghan bit and get to work.

I had to find the program I'd used to organize the rows (the two different block sets repeat at different rows, so you have to use some sort of marker to know which row your on for which pattern.. or write the pattern completely over as a 48-row-repeat rather than a 16-row and a 24-row repeat.  Its confusing.)  I then found a better version of the program and input it better.. making it easier.  And now I'm on row 62 or so, almost triple what I'd had set aside.  Its not going to be as wide an afghan as I might would have liked, but it'll be nice enough.  And the yarn is sooo nice, I think it'll be a great cuddle blanket.  It'll just take.. y'know.. finish.  But hey, tons and tons of cable practice!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Boho Dice Bag Finished

I finished the Boho Bag last night and shoved my dice into it.. and you know what? I like it, I like it a lot.  I still have a million ends to weave in, but figured i'd do that during this week's game; and for holds dice (and loose ends) just fine.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Knitting again

11 months.. has it really been that long since I last posted?  Wow.  I will admit, I took a break from knitting for something like 6-8 months.  Probably March of last year was about when I took my break.. and I didn't pick it back up with any seriousness till about Christmas...on a trip up to Boston to visit Ryan's family.  But, that did the trick of reminding me that I love knitting :)

We were all packed and ready to head out on a plane that evening, and I head off to work for the day.  While working.. I realize that I didn't pack anything to do for the trip other than a single book.. and that just won't cut it.  So what would be better?  I must find a knitting project I can take!!  A quick inventory of my ravelry projects reminded me that I didn't have anything in progress other than my big sweater that made me take a break from knitting in the first place.. so I needed to figure out something else... something that I could do with what yarn I had in stash.  And probably a scarf of some type that would ease my way back into knitting again.   I also remembered that I had a couple balls of Knitpicks' Aloft yarn.. and that'd make a beautiful scarf!  So I did a really quick search on ravelry for a nice scarf pattern that would play up the mohair of the aloft yarn.. and found Dancing Cranes Stole.  Beautiful pattern in mohair aloft?  Yes please!

I'd say I got about 1/3 of the way through during my trip to Boston.  Its *red*.  I knit on both plane rides, and pretty much all day Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  So glad I was smart enough to think of that. :-)

So, since the holidays, I've been working on different projects here and there.  I have sort of worked on the Dancing Crane scarf.. but not enough to make much progress on it.  Sometime in January, my local yarn store held a giant sale.. with everything 50% off.  Call me a sucker, but it drew me right back in..even though I have lots of yarn already.  But I never had bought any of the more expensive yarn since it was all just so..well.. expensive! *grin*.  So I went in.. intending to get something, but having no project in particular in mind.  I waffled over some gorgeous cashmere.. but decided in order to get enough to make anything, it would still be too expensive (damn you cashmere!).  Instead, I settled on some Noro Silk Garden.  I grabbed 10 skeins of colorway 319, which goes from black to gray to purple to green to mustard back to green back to purple.  Its really pretty.

Still having no real plan on what to do with it.. i did some noro project searches..and found a pretty scarf that I would like to do.. so I started working on that.  Its Bias Lace Scarf.  Simple, quick, and shows off the colors great.  That used up 3 skeins.  So now I have 7 left.  I seriously considered making a Lanesplitter skirt, which might likely use up all of my remaining 7 skeins, but decided I'd likely never wear it.  And I wasn't absolutely certain 7 skeins would be enough.  Plus, I found this pattern for a Boho Bag which was just amazing!  I needed a new dice bag and have always wanted to try entrelac... soo, 3 skeins have been dedicated to my new Boho bag :)  I'm currently a little more than half way through my first skein of the Boho bag, and I think I've really gotten the hang of entrelac - Yay me!!  And it looks so awesome.  I think I ended up choosing too large a size for this bag to really satisfy my dice-bag needs, but seeing as I have more skeins left-over, I can always make a second smaller one if this ends up being too big..and have this bigger bag for other uses and/or giftings.

I'm very glad to be back to knitting, and find it oh so relaxing.  I'll try to take some pictures of all these projects soon to share.